Viewed from a strategic perspective, your data represents the
core of your business. You have invested a lot of TIME, MONEY
and EFFORT in developing your business data. Contracts, sales
records, proposals, accounting records, marketing material,
business contacts, e-mails, and even digital photos taken in
important events, etc., make up the bulk of your invaluable
business assets, which you cannot afford to lose.
Studies by
Ontrack Data Recovery have shown that:
1MB of data is worth approximately $10,000 |
Re-building just 20MB of lost data could cost more
than $17,000 and take nearly three weeks to
complete |
Retrieval of data from a crashed hard drive is often
extremely costly, and there is NO GUARANTEE of
success |
Your business data goes hand in hand with your business
operations. The loss of such data, or even temporary
inaccessibility, may threaten your hard-earned competitive position.
Companies without proactive backup and recovery policies
are likely to be OUT OF BUSINESS within 2 years of a
major disaster |
Loss of business data may ruin your company’s reputation,
and may lead to expensive litigation |
Worst of all, it interrupts your business continuity |